Remote temperature monitoring services with access to your personal portal

Make your regular water temperature monitoring more effective with the use of remote temperature sensor equipment. Read on to find out more…

Introducing our new digital service

With the HSE and the Legionella Control Association actively promoting installation of temperature sensor equipment to provide a full picture of water system management, Managed Water Services are proud to be installing this state-of-the-art equipment on our customer sites. Installing sensor technology on the hot and cold water services will improve our overview of the system and allow us to further minimise risks. The equipment will be taking temperature readings from the required locations every three hours, 365 days a year.

Customers will have access to the web/mobile application that can be used to track temperatures and usage, manage the legionella risk and perform system checks from any location. Our trained engineers and account managers will still be monitoring customer sites and informing customers should any action be required. Customers will still receive a monthly report identifying if there are any issues that require action.

On the many sites we have installed the equipment on, we already have a better understanding of how water systems are working. We can exercise better control where it is needed, meaning our customers are able to achieve compliance with less effort.

Tell me about the benefits

  • Installing this equipment on our customer sites comes with no extra or hidden costs.
  • Digital services are able to give us a much-improved picture of water system operation, rather than a “snapshot” once a month.
  • On our customer sites where it is currently installed, it has helped us overcome problems that were previously not able to be solved.
  • The need for fewer on-site visits will mean a reduction in miles in delivering physical services – helping to reach the goal of net-zero emissions.
  • In addition, there will be a reduction in the potentially inconvenient visits to site, where engineers require access to certain areas at times that may be troublesome for you.
  • There is no disruption to services whilst we install the equipment.

Other things to note

The system we install is widely used across the UK and a proven technology. Your information and data is totally secure and will not be used for any other purpose. The installation process typically takes around 1.5 – 2 hours (one mains-powered gateway device that collects and sends the data to the web/mobile application plus the other equipment powered by battery with an anticipated 10-year life). In the event that you no longer wish to use our services, we will remove the equipment and leave no trace of the installation.

How do I get this system installed?

If you are an existing contract customer of Managed Water Services, then you don’t need to take any action – your site will automatically be assessed for suitability for installation of the new digital service. If you have any questions, just reach out to your usual account manager.

If we do not currently provide you with a monthly Legionella control contract, then feel free to get in touch to arrange a conversation about how we may be able to help you. Contact us at